Black and Grey Work | Color Tattoo work |
A silouette can be a very good idea for a tattoo if you are going to be getting a lot of sunlinght and do not want to lose color. |
Color tattoos can stay very colorful and vivid as long as they are kept out of the suns ultraviolet rays. |
I never reccomend tattooing names on your body but the names of loved ones and your kids are ok as long as you are sure that you will not one day regret putting that reminder on your body for all time. |
Instead of using names in relationships many people use matching or complimentary graphics that suggest a connection between them but the rest of the world may just see them as a normal design. |
This is a memorial tattoo that meant a lot to the client reminding him of his grandmother. This is a perfect idea of an acceptable time to put a name on you. |
Some people like to incorperate religous symbolism into their tattoo art to embrace certain religious beliefs. Others simply like the way they look. |
Tribal tattoos are very popular symetrical designs that can many different meanings. This particular piece was done by the clients cousin and I "refurbished" it so that it looked more like a tattoo than a bad oil spill. |
Many people get tattoos because of the look they create, This bow and ribbon are supposed to resemble a corset piercing where the ribbon would be laced through her back! |
Stars are very popular tattoo designs right now. |
Melanie is working on mixing together a nature scene. |
This tattoo says life and when flipped it says death. This type of art is called anagram. |
In this case we are trying to blend color and black and grey art. |
Many people like to incorperate their kids names into their tattoos. |
This bonsai tree shows how many colors can be blended to make a design look good.Notice how many different colors are in the bark alone. |
Another example of kids names incorperated with a design. |
This Hibiscus flower came out nice on Alicia's foot. |
Not all little girls get cute little tattoos! |
some tattoo's can get away with little to no outline as long as the colors stand off each other enough to define each other. |
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